Wednesday, December 22, 2004

2005 and so on

the year is coming to an end in a little over a week, and i've been thinking about things that i want to change, things that i have allowed to go on long enough. i can't tolerate resolutions. i think they only set you up to fail, and in my experiences that failure leads to the things i wanted to change only growing worse. but i'm going to be twenty five soon and i want the self respect that i've always imagined comes with the age. that said, i am going to openly and honestly spend the next year, and those ever after, attempting the following...

-to stop fantasizing about the past
-to consume the present
-to grasp the future
-to stop thinking about smoking every fucking step i take
-to cure this crisis of faith, and establish a true reason to be happy
-to pursue romance and passion in my love life
-to put my wife's needs before my own
-to stop being so selfish
-to no longer justify meaningless dispair, which leads to my laziness
-to stop eating things that make me over weight and sick
-to improve my personal hygene, and give a damn about my appearence
-to not wear the same clothes every day
-to not be an asshole behind peoples backs
-to cherish my friends
-to rid myself of any lust, and respect other people
-to understand money, and not envy it
-to stop shaking
-to be more brave
-to accept failure and move on positively
-to laugh more
-to cry more
-to take vitamins
-to return phone calls
-to be ontime
-to stop lying, and be sincere
-to love people the way they deserve to be loved

pardon the honesty if it was offensive in any way. my hope is that by being openly forthright, i can more successfully do so in my mind.


JP said...

awesome big brother. that is so encouraging. these are life-long goals, and i respect you and look up to you, so i know you will help me too.

noah! said...

i can't stand resolutions either matt. thanks for your honesty, it is very much appreciated.

The Talbot Family said...

this theme of person growth has been coursing through my veins as well. but let's not forget those matt pool attributes that we have all know and love.

rosie said...

matt, that honesty was beautiful. I think we all could easily produce a list just like that. I want to tell you what am amzing spirit I think you have. I am so happy I have friends that are not ok with shallow logic or shallow living. It truly is counter culture to look at a list like that, and be honest about who you are. matt, you will live a deep rooted life because you think this way, but in return it will also be very difficult too. That just sounded like a fortune cookie. i love you