O Divine Master, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
-Francis of Assisi
thank you for that. I think the prayer of Assisi is one of the most beautiful, humbling works or utterances made before God. That we could all be more like that...
aaahhhhhhh, the splendid blessed prayer of our wonderful woe, who is he, who is the disciple of nations, beautiful......beautiful.....beautiful............................shall i say........ assisi. delightfully transcripted dear brethren.
the mystery of the Christian life. why is it that i'm usually far too busy trying to think my way through it rather than just serving? (did you read oswald today?)
yes yes yes josh most agreeable. none other than ought to the forlorn blessed manuscripts than to decendeth out of thy womb of the heveanlies and triumphant hosts.
oooooookay. my comment may have been lame, but i was seriously having the worst day, and to read those words just made me happy.
good, my hopes in posting it were that it would get through to someone in a more serious way than it appears it has.
derek you freeking cracked me up... nina, it is nothing against you, we are just goofing around...
josh, i totally didn't take it personally. yours and derek's comments totally made me laugh, especially because you said "brethren."
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