How tall are you? 6 foot on the money.
Do you own a gun? i'd like to. my self (and wife's) protection constists of a hammer and a shoe.
Rehab? i wish.
Have you ever killed an animal? when i was a child my friend and i hit a bird with a rock, and had to finish the job. i went home and cried.
Are you Irish? very much indeed.
What do you think of hot dogs? hamburgers.
What's your favorite Christmas song? it's by paul mccartney, but i don't recall the title.
What is your favorite smell? bath and body works eucalyptus spearmint. holy crap!
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? o.j.
Do you do pushups? with one hand.
Have you ever done ecstasy? i wish.
Have you been shot? i did a high school project on paintball once, and got shot a few hundred times. i bled and lost sleep for days.
Have you ever been hospitalized? 7 years old. dog bite to the face. 60 stitches.
Do you like painkillers? only with red wine.
whats your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? i just get super wasted and do tom petty kareoke.
Do you own a knife? um, ya. i own a knife. next question.
Do you have ADD? i absolutely must. there is no other explanation.
Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? yes, and i also enjoy sticking hooks through the skin on my back and hanging from the ceiling.
Name five drinks you have regularly: black coffee, aquafina, diet coke w/ lime, newcastle, white russian/colorado bulldog.
What's in your CD player? (computer) pavement - crooked rain, crooked rain, and frank black - frank black. (car) new ben folds.
What's under your bed? amber's hot ass underwear.
What time did you wake up today? about 9.
Current haircut? the "hi, um can you do that thing with the razor blade again".
What are you wearing? wow, white converse, classic relaxed boot cut 55o, matt maust two sided t-shirt.
Current worry? that my wife and friends are getting shitty w/out me cause i'm going home to bed cause i have mono.
Current love? band of brothers on dvd, i also just re-discovered the monte-cristo sandwich.
Current hate? talking about music with people.
Favorite place to be? um it's naughty, but other than that it's on stage.
Least favorite place? anywhere that entails waiting. i've been such a bitch lately.
If you could play an instrument? hammered dulcimer.
Favorite colors? blue and brown, hands down. i'm a kick ass rhymer. is that a word?
One person from the past you wish you could be with? well, like intimately? that'd have to be norma jean baker. otherwise walt disney.
Where would you like to go? tokyo
Where do you want to live? 1. london 2. the northwest 3. the bayou
Favorite food? cool answer: sushi. real answer: fried ice cream
Color of most clothes you own? black, although blue's a threat.
Number of pillows you sleep with? well it depends what i can call a pillow. one.
What were you doing at 12AM last night? trying to put down "east of eden".
What do you think you will be doing in ten years? designing innovative and unique homes, living not in california, and traveling with my wife and our four-six chilluns.
Are you paranoid? only when i quit smoking.
Do you burn or tan? tan, unless i'm snorkling for seven hours staight.
First piercing/tattoo? untouched. i can't think that i want one bad enough, maybe my ring finger.
Last person you yelled at? some douche bag in a car who drove for shit.
Latest crush? the indian babe in "bend it like beckham".
Last thing you ate? rice
If you could be a pirate, would you? if you say no your empty.
What songs do you sing in the shower? lately, whatever freak ass don henley song was in my dream.
What's in your pockets right now? hall's, some change, and some keys. exhilarating!
What color are your bedroom walls? kind of a mustard yellow. it's quite nice really.
Last thing that made you laugh? Nate calling LAX the devil's ass hole.
Best bed sheets you had as a child? the space shuttle control panel ones. man i just got sad.
Pets? Trailer, the best most retarded golden ever! but one day amber and i will have two blood hounds, blue and copper.
Have you ever won any awards? a spelling bee in fourth grade. h-a-b-a-n-e-r-o.
How many T.V.s do you have in your house? one, but i have four in my car. not really.
Who do you tell your dreams to? amber... and the little white troll that shows up every morning around three and tickles my chest.
If you could make out with one person who would it be? the indian babe in "bend it like beckham".
What do you think of the person who posted this before you? lindsay, she's a barrel of laughs! and she spikes a damn good dry diet coke...
nice! isnt that indian woman on ER now too?
somehow i wasn't asked like 10 percent of those questions.
that survey gave me a good giggle. it's funny that we're reading all of the same books right now. i also read breakfast of champions by vonnegut and animal farm by orwell this summer. i think next i'm going to read of mice and men and the grapes of wrath. evan suggested that i read the brothers karamazov by dostoevsky (sp?) so i'm going to see if i can find it at cal's.
ps matt - if you like the chronicles you should definitely read the space trilogy by cs lewis. it is like narnia for grownups and nerds.
how do you pinch a survey?
how do you spike a dry diet coke?
oh yeah, and that fish hook in the back thing? i totally saw that episode of ripley's believe it or not. sickest thing i've ever seen.
you're the king of comments.
the space trilogy! i second that noah!
and what is this survey business?
how do you come up with these questions?
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