Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Does anyone aim instant message?
If so, is it worth it?
If so, should I do it?
If so, what are your secret aim names?

If not, just send me a letter, and I'll send one back. Remember those days?


J. Giunta said...


noah! said...

its funny you ask that because i just deleted AIM from my computer yesterday because i haven't used it in about 3 years.

noah! said...

also, my screen name was 'noahdawg55' and dammit, that's just embarrassing.

Dana Gray Smith said...

You should definately use AIM!!! the reason is because i think that it is the only chatting system that lets you video chat. which is waaaay cool. My screen name is danachicken7. I didn't even choose it. they ask you to type in the first word you think of, then they create a screen name for you. That alone should sell you.

The Talbot Family said...

oh snap! I've been IMing with my homies all the time. Let's do it!

d. vanheule said...

Curtis said...

Nate said...
yah I still have the same email

M said...


you could also look into using Google's GTalk. it's pretty sweet, and there's a band with a similar name. so that's something.

andy said...


lindsay anne said...

I think that I wouldn't have half the frieds I do, if it weren't for AIM. no, seriously. And google talk, to be honest.

I'm twobirdlindsay on AIM.

talk to me!

TW said...
