I saw Trail of Dead the other night with Ryan. I spilled beer all over my lap, very much like the days of old when I regularly listened to Trail of Dead. It made sense. Good show though.
In other news, school is good. I'm rounding third and heading home. The problem is that this home stretch is no 90 feet. Nope. This is a desolate expanse of land extending as far as the eye can see. And it's in flames, because the devil licked it. So we'll see how that turns out.
We're good. House is good. Cars are, well, getting by. The city is fine right now, but I will say this, if I see one more Toyota Prius with a "War Is Not The Answer" sticker on it, my brains will explode. How do you think you're sitting in an f-ing Prius to begin with? You think Japan has always been this way?
That's about it.
licked by the devil...what isn't licked by the devil these days?
i heard there are never fires in washington or oregon. i feel like southern california. is on fire every three seconds. side note, i'll remove my sticker before i see you. mines a yaris though, does that count?
Its too bad that the prius people didnt do their research before they bought their car which was done all by slave labor. We miss you guys-Nadia
I purchased a brand new Prius and tried to start it with my private part, but got stuck and ended up speaking with some representative from the manufacturer for over an hour about my complicated situation. I am not sure if this has anything to do with your assertion, but I was quite upset.
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