Wednesday, September 21, 2005

the empanada

i ran for the border and fell victim to a love affair with the sixth food group. before there were five: (1) grains, (2) vegetables, (3) fruits, (4) milk and dairy products, and (5) meat, beans, fish, and nuts, right? the sixth, the taco bell caramel apple empanada, with it's intensely crunchy shell, it's soft innocent buttery breading stuffed whole with warm, possitively sinfull golden brown caramel apple filling, is the youngest addition to the pyramid. this (6th) group is soon to be discovered as the only group required to necessitate a further flourishing and successful occupancy of our own planet earth.


lindsay anne said...

oh my gosh I am so hungry and you are KILLING me. the churros at el pollo loco (and lets not forget disneyland) are also fabulous.

The Talbot Family said...

I haven't been to the bell in awhile. Perhaps a visit is due? Just saying the word "empanada" is fun. So an actual empanada must be really good. empanada empanada empanada.

rosie said...

I told you I would only eat half of one last night, how foolish of me. oh how foolish.