Monday, February 26, 2007


In less than a week the ever closed doors, that to me once represented something only dreamt about, will be opened.
In less than a week the curtains of exclusivity will be pulled away, and we will be VIP, even if just for a moment.
In less than a week, we dine at Walt's finest.

The anticipation bubbles deep within my entrails.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pour la France!

Everytime I see a Sofia Coppola film I feel like, "Auh... whatever. It was cool and all but, uuhh." Then sure enough it creeps up and haunts me. My thoughts and dreams and the way I talk. Then I watch it again and feel as though I'm watching the greatest movie I will ever put into my eyes and ears, feeling like I have a connection with it that only I can understand. It's wierd that it can go from making a fart noise with my mouth about it, to rewinding a part over and over. But it can, and such was the case with Marie Antoinette lastnight. Very well done, and one I'd like to own. I thought the music was bueno, particularly in this scene where she uses The Cure, followed by the party scene to New Order. Good stuff. And a good picture. Recommended. I've since been burning my eyes up on the French Revolution, and all of it's little linked what have you's. That's it.

Lost tonight. With dessert.

Let me eat cake, oui oui.

Monday, February 19, 2007

So I went ahead and picked me up a viral upper respiratory tract infection.

The amount of crap that has flowed from my nose today could fill nine pickle jars. Maybe next time I'm battling the ravages of the common cold, I'll avoid drinking colossal amounts of beer from sun up to sun down.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

This would cheer up anybody

It did the job for me.
"Why the bitching?" you might ask. Well Arch. school is looking like more of an '08 thing than an '07 thing right now. In other words, I'll be receiving my degree in a wheelchair.
I don't know what the problem is. The lack of significance that I or my parents placed on my education maybe? I barely graduated high school because I ditched more than I attended. I would rather sit in my car eating donuts and listening to Screeching Weasel. I applied to bible college about two weeks before classes started, just because I saw everyone else going to college. That lasted one semester, of writing half assed papers on justification by faith and sneaking up to the back 40 to smoke cloves. Then I dicked around a couple of bro'd out community colleges and dropped out to deliver pizza. And here I sit, eight years a high school graduate, no where near what I envisioned as a boy. I'm not unhappy with who I am. I've learned a lot, married my soul mate, and have gained some valuable work experience. Yet I regret some of the choices I've made.
So what did I do? I came home last night, got drunk on Beefeater, and cried to my wife about it. And she's so good. She cuddled her husband's bitchy little head in her lap, played with his stupid hair, and proceeded to lift up the shades on the situation.
So there you have it. And it's a new day. And I'm ditching church to sit at home in my underwear and play on the internet. But it's nice, rain outside, tea inside. No sense dwelling on the past. It's time to sludge through the glop that is my educational near future.

And to my wife, that road trip is looking better and better by the second.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sometimes I hate myself

And trying to go back to school makes me want to puke.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

An update, and other truths

I'm ass tired. Today I worked way out in the countryside, driving a three geared dump truck, pulling up fence posts, and petting horses.
Arrested Development has been really making us laugh lately. I think Buster Bluth is collectively the favored character, with Gob close behind.
I've also been flixing The Sopranos, and watching them without the company of the wife. For some reason she's just not into them. I'm not sure if it's the drug abuse, or the nudity, or the language and relentless violence. Just not sure.
And while on the subject of televised entertainment, Lost is again ruling my life. Last night's episode was very satisfactory indeed.
M and L Bethancourt ascended the mountain for some hang time that went by far too quickly. Pesto Premavera pizza, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and a gem of a card game by the name of Hand and Foot were enjoyed into the wee hours. Good times were had.
I've been spinning a great Kinks album called Muswell Hillbillies, thanks months back to one D Heule and one N Warkentin. "Here Come The People In Grey, To Take Me Away!"
I was let off work early the other day, when I drove right home, put on my boots, grabbed up the ol' M3, and hit the slopes with the wife for the first time this year. It's was beautiful. So much so in fact, that I was filled with awe, which I believe allows me to say it was Awesome!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Rosie you said it.

Uninspired. And I don't think a song can help me here. I need something more. Something robust and warm, like Spring.
Or Budweiser.

That's it.
Lots and lots of warm Budweiser.

Droning day in and day out. Work. Then work. Then come home too tired to do anything but go to bed at nine. We make ourselves nervous sometimes doing this. What are we becoming? We need action. We need to shake it off. And we will. This weekend friends will come up, and max. And this year we will drive to Portland, and see about living there.