Thursday, February 08, 2007

An update, and other truths

I'm ass tired. Today I worked way out in the countryside, driving a three geared dump truck, pulling up fence posts, and petting horses.
Arrested Development has been really making us laugh lately. I think Buster Bluth is collectively the favored character, with Gob close behind.
I've also been flixing The Sopranos, and watching them without the company of the wife. For some reason she's just not into them. I'm not sure if it's the drug abuse, or the nudity, or the language and relentless violence. Just not sure.
And while on the subject of televised entertainment, Lost is again ruling my life. Last night's episode was very satisfactory indeed.
M and L Bethancourt ascended the mountain for some hang time that went by far too quickly. Pesto Premavera pizza, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and a gem of a card game by the name of Hand and Foot were enjoyed into the wee hours. Good times were had.
I've been spinning a great Kinks album called Muswell Hillbillies, thanks months back to one D Heule and one N Warkentin. "Here Come The People In Grey, To Take Me Away!"
I was let off work early the other day, when I drove right home, put on my boots, grabbed up the ol' M3, and hit the slopes with the wife for the first time this year. It's was beautiful. So much so in fact, that I was filled with awe, which I believe allows me to say it was Awesome!


pedronegro said...

For the first time this season I finally felt like I was watching Lost again...not some silly filler episodes buying time for a network to decide if they were going to keep the show or not. I hope that we can keep in touch more these days, I am really looking foreward to it. great post.

noah! said...

i think i'm still on the fence with LOST. there are just too many loose ends that have not been tied up. as for arrested development, i think that GOB is probably my favorite with tobias coming in a close second. i'm really excited to hear the new material. hurry up!