Sunday, October 09, 2005

i was tagged by lindsay

10 years ago: 15 years old. sophmore year of high school. this year had many different phases for me. the begining of the year is when i ended my little "rebellious" phase. i had too much to drink at a jimmy buffet concert. i vaguely remeber sitting on the shoulders of a large hawiian man, singing along to "fins", which was much to the amusement of the people i was with, expect for jaime's mom. i don't think she was impressed. but after that i said goodbye to rum and anything else that pirates drink. i also became president of the backpacking club at my highschool that year and started hiking to castle rock twice a week before school. and i went to the philippines with josh and nadia. pretty much i was a bad ass that year.

5 years ago: 20 years old. my junior year of college and i studied abroad in england. this was one of the best things i've done in my twenties. i travelled through europe with this girl named esther whom i barely knew. i ate gellato, sat in the colosieum for about 3 hours because it was so amazing, sang bob dylan songs with a homeless man in hyde park, worked at a pre-school with the most precious little english kids, thought for sure i would marry some hot englishman but after the charm of their accents wore off i realized i was not a fan of tight pants and turtle necks, i was lonely, and i learned more about myself than i ever had before. when i got back from england i lived with rosie and suzanne in the "costa misery". we made big dinners together and watched the same six seinfeld episodes over and over. my lesbian haircut was growing out, it was a good year.

1 year ago: i just got married, so pretty much all i did was get freaky. just kidding. i went to hawaii for the first time and loved it. matt and i were still working on our house when we got back so we lived in his parents' cabins and had to move to a different one every three days. this took about five months and then we finally got to move into our house. i also went up to portland with suzo and rosie, to move suzo there. it was a really fun trip, but sad to say good-bye to suzanne ( i miss you). matt, derek, nate, and i took a little trip up to san francisco for bridgeschool and that was an amazing time. we stayed in a lighthouse/hostel. we went to a pumpkin festival and went wine tasting and then we saw paul mcCartney. this was probably the biggest transitional year.

yesterday: i went to breakfast and lunch with rosie and then i had to say good-bye to her. she will be back in vegas and i'm very sad not to have her here with me anymore. i was pretty much upset about that all day and ended up having way too much to drink while watching "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy", which i'm going to have to watch over again. matt didn't notice me boozing it up and he didn't figure it out until we went to bed and i couldn't stop laughing at nothing at all, apparently. then i told him i was going to throw up and then i burst into tears and cried hysterically for about ten minutes. the poor boy didn't know whether he should carry me to the bathroom so i could vomit, soothe me so i could stop crying, or let me sleep it off.

5 snacks i enjoy: tacos from jack in the box, 31 flavors chocolate peanut-butter ice cream, carmel apples, hot tamales candy, and chips w/ guacamole.

5 songs i know all the words to: well this is tough because i rule at knowing all the words to songs. but i'll highlight some of my favorites to sing at the top of my lungs when my radio is broken:
1. shoop, by TLC
2. the humpty dance, by digital underground
3. crazy, by patsy cline
4. ticket to ride, by the beatles
5. everyone ruins it, by annlynn

5 things i'd do with a million dollars:
1. buy my mom a new car and put her through school
2. put rosie through school and support her so she can go to india and africa to help sick people
3. buy esme an entire library with any books she wants
4. buy matt 10 beautiful drum sets
5. travel and be a lady of leisure for as long as possible

5 places i'd run away to:
1. portland
2. disneyland
3. london
4. spain
5. interlaken, switzerland

5 things i'd never wear:
1. anything with puffy paint
2. sweaters with apples, teddy bears, or kittens
3. low rise pants with a thong showing, so tasteful
4. leather jackets with fringe, sorry mom
5. "juicy" velour track outfits

5 favorite tv shows:
1. seinfeld
2. wonder years
3. cosby show
4. felicity
5. smallville

5 biggest joys
1. matt
2. my neice, esme
3. having coffee with rosie and suzanne
4. reading in bed/ writing
5. i'm going to agree with lindsay, "when i am really able to rest in god's grace"

5 favorite toys
when i was little: my barbies, my casio keyboard that made animal noises, my paper dolls, my roller skates, anything that belonged to my brother.
now: my volkswagon, my harmonica, matt (my boy toy), my roller skates (still), and my snowboard.

5 fine folks who can now consider themselves tagged:
becca, linda, joey, derek, josh pool.


nina said...

amber! yes. you are right. i would run away to disneyland too. i didn't even think of it, and now it has to be my number 6 choice.

rosie said...

I love you, there are tears welling in my eyes. just know my heart burst with my love for you, my best friend.

lindsay anne said...

man, I think I got a little teary eyed, too. and I laughed out loud. this was great.