Thursday, November 20, 2008


Amber and I went to a free screening of it last night in Hollywood. This was my third time viewing Wall-e, and while I rarely ever cry, I again came close last night. It was released on dvd yesterday, which would explain the timing. It was followed by a Q and A session with Andrew Stanton. THE Andrew Stanton. The one who wrote and directed Wall-e, as well as Finding Nemo, and so on. The one in this preview. It was great. He was great. On the way home we were talking about how exciting these times are for writing, and film, especially in regards to Disney-Pixar. While it would be blasphemy to call anyone "the next Walt", he is in a position to mimic what Walt did. Bring animation back to the masses. Young and old. And the fellas over at Pixer are doing a fine job. It was good times. And inspiring. I'll leave you with something he said, as well as a link to a preview of Up.

- "What really interested me was the idea of the most human thing in the universe being a machine because it has more interest in finding out what the point of living is than actual people. The greatest commandment Christ gives us is to love, but that's not always our priority. So I came up with this premise that could demonstrate what I was trying to say—that irrational love defeats the world's programming. You've got these two robots that are trying to go above their basest directives, literally their programming, to experience love..."

Up (2009)!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

wall-e was the best of movie of 2008 and on so many levels! i thought i was reading into the movie to much and ended up with so many spiritual questions and themes. it makes a lot more sense now that i know where the director stands.