Sunday, September 05, 2010


I'm sitting at Tim and Shauna's dining table at 11:47 on a Sunday night. We moved to a new place last week, then began to suspect and smell mold in the floors. So we moved our stuff into a storage unit and are trying to find a mold free place. It's weird to not have a home, but its great to know that we are blessed by truly good and helpful family and friends. We owe you guys a huge one. Spent all day today and the last couple days looking at sad, expensive places and apartments. Trying to keeps our chins up.

I start SCI-Arc on Tuesday. I'm excited and scared. I hope I can do it. They say its the toughest year at one of the most demanding schools. Game changer. School and baby are both game changers. Everybody says, "wow, you guys are going through some transitions" while they're probably thinking, "wow, you guys are going to implode". But mostly I am excited. I know we can handle it. Everyone's life is crazy in it's way. I am going to have a son, and that's amazing.


The Talbot Family said...

I think it's a great season for you guys Matt! These times do not destroy us. They make us into the people we're meant to be. Without them we'd be sluggish & lazy.

JP said...

what a great post, and Josh really nailed it too. These are the times that make you who you are meant to be, and the fact that you are having a son and becoming an architect sounds like a dream come true. so proud of you.