Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Where in hell is the problem?

Again we apologize for sucking at blogging. This should be illegal. I don't know that it bothers anyone that much, but I do know that I hate it when I'm all into blogging and I go to check other peoples blogs and they keep saying the same thing. It really really sucks. So again, sorry.

A quick catch up of our month:
-We've been eating at home alot more, for reasons like money and health.
-I landscaped the backyard and we're ready to have a BBQ party.
-We need to have that party soon because we might move in July.
-We got caught up with Lost in time to watch the finale, which was crazy.
-We drove to the Bay Area for the Black wedding.
-We went to the Steinbeck Museum on the way home, which ruled.
-We stayed with the Talbots on the way home, which also ruled.
-I'm way way back into Roller Coaster Tycoon again, and Disc Golf.

We hope everyone is well, and we'll keep you posted on that BBQ party. Also, share with us your May highlights if you'd like.


noah! said...

it was great to see you too. i'm jealous that you got to go to the steinbeck museum. i just started cannery row.

The Talbot Family said...

I don't about May but June is off to a kick-ass start.

- the Ventura pier.
- the park
- BBQ & Beer
- Downtown Sunday lunch

Not to mention getting all the camping stuff out of the shed and ready to go!