Saturday, September 09, 2006

Man, Oh Man

So it's been a rough go these past couple of months. We are currently back at our home in Big Bear for as long as it takes. We had our sublet in Silverlake, which was very nice. Amber had a steady job in Pasadena. I landed a job with an architect, and was very excited. I had a great first day on the job. I returned to work my second day, to my boss telling me he doesn't have enough time to train me. There were some curse words floating through my head at the time, but I took a breath and went with, "Sail on silver girl. Sail on by." Acually I didn't, but that would have been good, right? So I spent some time at the library and the mac store, looking for jobs and houses. I picked up a couple tile jobs that helped out a great deal. Then we were off to the next sublet in Monrovia. While there we found a great place for rent. We applied for it and a few days later were told that after narrowing it down to us and another, he went with a more suitable fit. With time and money running out, we got a couple parking tickets, spilt water and broke both ipods, and returned to Big Bear with two broken cars, which brings us up to date.

I apologize for being a big fat farting baby about all this. Amber and I really did have a nice time making friends, learning things, and growing together. And we're not giving up. We just need to get a few items fixed up and payed off. But for now we're in Big Bear and it's autumn. The leaves are turning tone and the crisp air is beginning to bleed through our summer clothes. It's high time I pull out the old smoking jacket and vampire costume. Also, if anyone wants to come up and get some last minute fishing in, just holla.


JP said...

fat farting baby. that made me LOL.

ms. tea said...

as sad as i am not to have you as near, i do love autumn in big bear so be counting on some visits while the colors are lovely.

ms. tea said...

also, two broken cars? whats going on with volkswagens right now? mine has been broken all summer.

also, i really hope that ann coulter thing is a joke. eesh just looking at her is giving me the heeby jeebies.

Matt Pool said...

She is a bit scary, but I'm afraid it's part way serious.

Nonetheless, some Big Bear visits would be brilliant! Anytime, and I mean anytime.

pedronegro said...

I think that I should come down to Big Bear you, your brother and I could all put on smoking jackets I would enjoy a black and mild and we would talk until the sun has risen. i miss you man call me soon.

Andrew said...

oh friends. that sucks. sorry...

which brings me to my next point: why the hell are you reading anything written (if i can be so kind as to use that verb when referring to her scribble vomit) by ann coulter? oh wait. i will tell you. because you lived by the patterson for an extended period of time. don't trust her. she lies, and she is stupid. she is like politics for people who think professional wrestling is real. and she has bad hair, and bad style. and, now that i look at it, bad graphic design. i think both of you can do better.

fat farting baby is funny!

JP said...

matt, i have to say, is it part way serious, or serious? i would think the latter. but aside from that i am glad you are reading that, and i think she's not half bad looking. somebody's gotta stick up for her around here.

The Talbot Family said...

ahhhh the joys of adulthood. being an adult is like pouring citrus juice in a deep cut on your face. its ok to be a big fat farting baby when your life seems shit out of luck. hope it gets better friends. come to nor cal and visit sometime. we could meet up in san fran and wonder the streets. nadia

d. vanheule said...

"But for now we're in Big Bear and it's autumn. The leaves are turning tone and the crisp air is beginning to bleed through our summer clothes. It's high time I pull out the old smoking jacket and vampire costume. " i think i just wet my pants. i miss you guys like crazy and it is so good to hear the small beautiful things. next time that it is the perfect moment call me ok? not joking.

lindsay anne said...

strangely, I've been thinking about going fishing a LOT lately. hm, I want to make this happen.