Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"It would be easy to write a couple of fraudulent pages out of contrast between this shining spring day, the ripening fruit, the chicks filling plumply out in the barnyard, the rising wheat-and death at our elbow. I shall not write that couple of pages because I see no reason why the peace of a spring day should constitute a contradiction of the idea of death. Why should the sweetness of life be a matter for irony?" Antoine De Saint-Exupery, Flight to Arras


rosie said...

i can't believe you and andrea braved the "black friday" nightmare. pretty hardcore. i love you and miss you.

ms. tea said...

thank you for inviting us to one of the best thanksgivings i can remember. can't wait to see the photos! email them to me when you get a chance, and let me know if you get the supper club blog up and running. if not, i would be happy to do it.

Andrew said...

ah, the chicks filling out plumply in the barnyard. life's small pleasures. chicks. heh heh heh...