Friday, December 22, 2006

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So Pine Summit, or Nazi Germany, as our little circle of ex-employees like to call it, has given my parents the ol' boot due to their need for more prisoner hou-, I mean staff housing. The date that Der Führer gave mom and dad was Feb. 1st. However my old man is going to sit tight until at least the first of March, so that they can look for a house to buy or build.
In the twenty years that I've spent growing up in that house, I've racked up a few memories, and I would think most of my friends have as well being that we spent the better part of our high school days there bbq-ing and watching movies and playing games. So we were thinking of having a little get together before they leave. One last hurrah, and then we'll burn it down. Or if you happen to be in town between now and then, we'll max out there until they leave, and then we'll fill the house up with styrofoam popcorn. Or something. Let us know.


pedronegro said...

You design it. I'll move down for a month, and well build it. Maxin out every night! But im really sorry about the house. love you man

rosie said...

I seriously might have to go jump off the bridge at the thought of your parents not lving in that house. Damm those Nazis! I'm really upset. I'll be up the day after Christmas and then Suzo and I will be up Jan.4-7th. Some serious card games and movie nights need to happen.

Keith said...

It's hard to believe the degradation of a camp we all used to know and love. Ok, maybe not love. Anyway, I will let you know when I am blastin up the mountain and we can play some cards, some frisbee golf, whatever. Sux man, sux.