Wednesday, December 21, 2005

a tribute to greatness

who am i:

i'm tall. i drink loads of alcohol. ten years ago i bought my first car, which i still drive. i go to vegas bi-weekly and call matt at four in the morning every time to sing him "sweet child of mine". i call cigarettes dugans. in the fourth grade i rapped, i made up stories about a girl who was six hundred feet tall and wide and came from the amazon eating turkey, i had an ape drape for hair, and if you mock it i wouldn't even hesitate to tear off your arm and jam it in and around your eyes. i'm fantastic.

hint: my name starts with b and ends with unky.

1 comment:

rosie said...

My first memory of said person: 8th grade, mullet still in tact, hitting me in the back of the head in Mrs. Smith's Pre-Algebra class, laughing like Bevis and Butthead...he says to me, "if we got married, you're mane would be rosie rose." priceless.